In continuation of the first edition of the International Symposuim on Pastoralism in November 2017, the Pastoralism and Drylands Pole (PPZS) ( aims to organize the second edition on the theme: (Agro)pastoralism in Africa: Current Dynamics and Perspectives, in preparation for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists, in collaboration with the West and Central Africa Support Group for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (
By involving all the stakeholders who interact in (agro)pastoral areas, and with a focus on Africa while remaining open to other regions of the world, the Conference aims to share experiences and perspectives on the following topics:
Qualifying Change >> The ongoing (agro)pastoral dynamics and prospects in Africa and the world, considering external and internal structural changes within the systems.
Scientific Challenges >> How knowledge, understanding, representations, methods, and tools related to pastoralism are being questioned by current issues (socio-economic, ecological, and climatic, etc.);
Policy and Public Governance >> Current mechanisms for disseminating knowledge and expertise in (agro)pastoralism, and the assessment of needs, including the imperative to move beyond technocratic approaches by considering and analyzing political narratives.
The conference, aiming to strengthen the links between research and civil society, invites various types of participants: researchers, students, representatives from the private sector, and NGOs, among others. Presentations focusing on African contexts will be given priority. However, presentations covering other regions of the world will also be considered, especially those of particular interest related to African issues (which could, for example, lead to interesting parallels/comparisons).
Submission of a communication proposal to the conference can take the form of a full article (up to 6,000 words) or a summary for posters (up to 1 page). Proposals can be in either French or English. Professionals and representatives of NGOs are also encouraged to apply with other types of documents (project reports, activity presentations, etc.), as long as they do not exceed 6,000 words.
Communication proposals should align with at least one of the three topics mentioned earlier (1. Characterizing Changes; 2. Scientific Challenges; 3. Advisory and Public Policies). They may address the following themes, preferably in an interdisciplinary manner – this list is not exhaustive but provides ideas:
• Societal developments (continuity, adaptation, change), connections between urban and rural worlds, public policies, knowledge and information dissemination mechanisms, new identities in (agro)pastoralism;
• Land dynamics, conservation issues in protected areas, mobility, political insecurity, access to pastoral resources management, transboundary transhumance;
• Economic contribution, market opportunities, inclusion in value chains;
• Evaluation of ecosystem services and the multifunctionality of (agro)pastoralism;
• Climate and environmental changes related to agropastoral activities;
• Agropastoral practices, productivity, innovative and agroecological practices, multi-criteria performance in the use of resources and animals.
The Scientific Committee will evaluate each of the proposals and will position it under one of the thematic axes (below) by proposing to the authors to present it in the form of a short communication (10') or a poster.
October 15, 2023: first call for papers
January 15, 2024: second call for papers
April 30, 2024: deadline for submitting communications online
June 15, 2024: sending to the authors of the response of the scientific committee
September 31, 2024: sending by the authors of the revised versions of the communications
Registration fees Prices
Scientists and Professionals €200
Students (*) €50
Call for Applications
Please submit your Abstract before:
April 30, 2024.
Registration fees
Scientists and Professionals: €200
Students (*): €50
Note:Sholarships may be awarded to students participating in this symposium.